Who’s the next president? Make your voice count and tell the world about it… and when you vote, please share this url http://aha.pub/iVoted in your social stream. Be proud that you participated […]
Mitchell Levy is the AHA Guy of AHAthat.com, CEO, and Thought Leader. Architect at THiNKaha.com. He and his team make it easy for corporations to easily create compelling content that help turn […]
This week’s five Ahas are from Marshall Goldsmith’s AHAbook™, Life is Good! AHAthat is offering a service that takes a phrase that you’re known for, or want to be known for, […]
Today Pop Art Painter Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes Mitchell Levy, Thought Leader, Business Motivator to the Show! http://AHAthat.com http://THiNKaha.com http://ThoughtLeaderLife.com http://TheAHAguy.com Mitchell Levy is the AHA Guy of AHAthat.com and CEO […]
This week’s five AHAs are from the AHAbook™, MillennialThought Leaders are Authentic. The Internet is a free world. Anyone can post just about anything online. Some posts are true; some are […]
Poet and writer that creates thought-provoking content about different aspects of life. My goal is to write as many poetry books on societal issues that we all face in today's […]
The world needs thinkers, doers and thought leaders. An expert has knowledge in a key area. A thought leader is a recognized expert (go-to person) in their space. How do […]
Mitchell Levy, Thought Leader Architect & CEO, THiNKaha discusses why thought leadership is necessary for a company or product to be successful. It covers the difference between an expert and […]
Mitchell Levy is an accomplished Entrepreneur who has created 20 businesses in Silicon Valley including 4 publishing companies that have published over 800 books. Currently, Mr. Levy is The AHA Guy […]
Known as the AHA Guy, Mitchell Levy is the CEO of ThinkAHA. Over the course of his career, he has 20 businesses in the Silicon Valley. Four of these businesses […]