This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Dale Carnegie on The Art of Public Speaking. The Art of Public Speaking was originally published in 1915 by famous American author and lecturer […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Tony Alessandra on People Smart in Business. Discover who seeks recognition and who wants results, who loves consistency and who fears change. This […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™ Catherine Ryan Hyde 365 Ahas on Gratitude. Catherine Ryan Hyde is the bestselling author of over 30 books that have inspired people worldwide. […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Haydn Shaughnessy’s AhaMessages from Shift. In this AhaBook, economic historian Haydn Shaughnessy, provides bite-sized guide to the major economic transformation that is […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, #WomenAdvance. Women are good at building relationships and leading with compassion; men are more focused in their communication style and can let […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Small Business is Good Business (Presented by Cox Business). In today’s world, everybody likes being small and nimble. Large corporations go local […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Jeff Shavitz on Small Business AhaMessages™. Jeff Shavitz is a successful entrepreneur whose passion and purpose for creating “his life” was the driving […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™ Bonnie Marcus on the Politics of Promotion. Bonnie assists professional women in successfully navigating the workplace, and how to position and promote themselves […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™ Scott Edinger & Laurie Sain on the Hidden Leader. Discovering the Hidden Leaders in your organization is the key to staying relevant in […]
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™ It’s Lonely at the Top. I was joined by Jim Canfield, CEO of Renaissance Executive Forums as co-host for a month on our Thought […]