Marketing Tips & Tricks to Use with Your Small Business: 5 Ahas from Thought Leaders


This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Small Business is Good Business (Presented by Cox Business).

In today’s world, everybody likes being small and nimble. Large corporations go local and act like small business. Why? Small business is good business. This AhaBook takes a closer look at small business marketing #ThoughtLeadership as it presents 140 great ideas for small business success in today’s digital world. It surfaces new tools, new ideas and new directions for small business marketing, and the ways to move forward.fdghdhreyh (18)

Share some of the AhaMessages below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier™:

  1. Small businesses used to be locked in their geographic area. But now the world is their oyster. @TedRubin #TLL #tll [click to tweet]
  2. Have a story to tell that connects with people, that’s what engages people. @joelcomm #TLL #tll [click to tweet]
  3. Small businesses become more competitive because they can be nimble, and react & respond very quickly. @martinjonesaz #TLL #tll [click to tweet]
  4. The constraint for small business owners is no longer money, but time to try out new available services. @spaldrich #TLL #tll [click to tweet]
  5. To run business more efficiently, make a proactive list of what you need and where you can get it. @spaldrich #TLL #tll [click to tweet]

Small Business is Good Business (Presented by Cox Business) is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Small Business is Good Business (Presented by Cox Business). (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)

Check out the last set of Ahas | next set of Ahas

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