AhaMessages on the Evolution of Channel Marketing: 5 Ahas from Thought Leaders


This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Channel Marketing is Still Relevant in Today’s Thought Leadership WorldA new mindset in Channel Marketing – from controlled channels to social media – has led to amazing transformation within organizations and among business professionals. Technological advancements and the democratization of information with social media has leveled up the function of channels and channel partners to drive business success. It’s about time you level your business with channel marketing. Start by reading and sharing this AhaBook which is a compilation of great AhaMessages from #ThoughtLeaderLife interviews that focus on channels, channel marketing and channel management.AAEAAQAAAAAAAAaPAAAAJDYxMjNlYTM0LTM5MTEtNGMwZC1iMDc0LTUzZDRmZjkwMzZhZg

Share some of the AhaMessages below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier™:

  1. Today, anybody with an Internet connection can create a message that reaches millions. Are you? @ckenton #tll [click to tweet]
  2. Thought leadership content is becoming the lingua franca. @sramanathan #tll [click to tweet]
  3. Partners need to ask and be informed about how your products & services will benefit their customers. @CarolJMeyers #tll [click to tweet]
  4. Channel partners are now open to the idea of investing in competency training to thrive in the transition. @MikeMcDermott48 #tll [click to tweet]
  5. The clear visibility of managing the complexity of the org’s MDF must be taken as a serious matter. @CCIChannels #tll [click to tweet]

Channel Marketing is Still Relevant in Today’s Thought Leadership World is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Channel Marketing is Still Relevant in Today’s Thought Leadership World. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)

Check out the last set of Ahas | next set of Ahas

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