This week's five Ahas are from the book Ron Snyder and Eric Doner on Plan to Win. Building successful sales plans is not easy even in good times. It is particularly […]
This week's five Ahas are from the book Tony Deblauwe and Patrick Reilly on Managing Up. Tony Deblauwe, founder of the cutting-edge HR firm, HR4Change and Patrick Reilly, president of Resources […]
This week's five Ahas are from the book Alexandra Levit on Millennials. Millennials are considered the toughest generation to manage. However they are also the future of an organization. If you […]
This week's five Ahas are from the book Anneke Seley on Inside Sales Success. The evolution of the global market, as well as rapid changes in buying and selling behaviors, prompt […]
Happy Sunday, everyone! We skipped last week’s weekly round-up of thought leadership activities since not a whole lot was going on, so this week’s round-up covers the last two weeks. […]
For the first time on Thought Leader Life, Michael and I hung out with not one, but two #ThoughtLeaders: Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt. This episode centers on the Social […]
In this episode of Thought Leader Life, Michael and I hang out with Jim Cahill, head of social media at Emerson Process Management. The discussion focuses on social media strategies […]
Happy Monday, everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their work week so far. Here’s the thought leadership activities that went on last week. Aha Amplifier books that were published: AThe Great […]
In this episode of Thought Leader Life, Michael and I hang out with #ThoughtLeader Whitney Vosburgh. As the CEO and co-founder of the company The Brand New Purpose and a […]
Happy Monday, everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their work week so far. Here’s the thought leadership activities that went on last week. Aha Amplifier books that were published: Aha Moments […]