Thought Leader Life with Jill Rowley (@Jill_Rowley) #023

In this episode of Thought Leader Life, Michael and I hang out with “amazing, fantastic, and full of energy” #thoughtleader, Jill Rowley. Jill describes herself as a social selling evangelist, a modern marketer, a workshop leader, a public speaker, and a change agent. She defines a #thoughtleader as someone who is known for a specific subject matter, and points out that #thoughtleadership is about building communities, engagement, and conversation around a specific topic. It doesn’t matter if a #thoughtleader has original content or curates OPC (Other People’s Content). What’s important is leveraging the best content out of a specific subject and pushing for engagement around that subject.

I need to note that I collaborated with Jill during the process of designing the
Thought Leadership Funnel. Jill describes the funnel as an amazing model that frames the progression from marketing to sales. Mainly, it teaches the modern sales professional to veer away from the traditional concept of “Always Be Closing” (ABC) and work towards “Always Be Connecting.” The Thought Leadership Funnel also teaches the sales professional to always think that from the very start, to want a customer to become a “Positive Patty” and not a “Negative Nancy.” Reiterating her definition of the modern buyer, Jill notes that the sales professional needs to develop a one-on-one relationship with the customer to turn them into an advocate, because consumers only buy from people they know, like, and trust.

Jill has spent over a decade helping transform the way B2B marketers market to the modern buyer. She always says she hates the traditional “ringing of the bell” whenever a new contract comes in. For her, a celebration is only called for when a customer has actually generated measurable value and positive impact working with the company or from having your product. In the episode, Jill also explains social selling and why companies should appreciate the importance of evolving along with the evolution of the buyer or customer. And in the last part of the interview, she shows how, in today’s business world, a person like her can actually show the world her true self—as a mother and a wife—and that, as Mitchell notes, we are now living in a world where everybody knows and appreciates your existence outside the workplace.

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Here are some “‘aha’ moments” from the episode. See more in the Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life books available in the Aha Amplifier and watch the interview below!

We are no longer in the age of the seller, we are now in the age of the customer. @jill_rowley

If you do not become customer-centric or customer-obsessed, you will be replaced, become invisible, and you won’t be able to pay your bills. @jill_rowley

Social selling is not just about social media, it’s about being social. @happyabout

The modern sales professional may also think like a marketer, but she needs to sell like a superhero. @jill_rowley

Follow Jill on Twitter at @Jill_Rowley. Tune into Thought Leader Life every Saturday for more thought-leader goodness!