Happy New Year!
It’s another beautiful day and another year! It’s time to take a new journey ahead, setting new goals and objectives in different aspects in life. Whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, our main goal for every year that passes is simply to be better. So, on the very first day of the year, let us start this journey with complete happiness! Share this phrase with someone you’d love to share your new journey with! We have provided multiple ways to say, “Happy New Year!” in many languages. Just click here: http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear.
Greet people with this phrase to start their first day of the year with a vibe of positivity! If you’d like to wish everyone a “Happy New Year!”, you could also share http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear on your social media accounts.
Here are five translations. Why don’t you go directly to the AHAbook and share more of them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or G+:
- Sunat jadidat saeida! (Happy New Year! in Arabic) — 100+ languages. http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear [click to tweet]
- Śubha naba barṣa! (Happy New Year! in Bangla) – in 100+ languages. http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear [click to tweet]
- Gelukkig nieuwjaar! (Happy New Year! in Dutch) – in 100+ languages. http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear [click to tweet]
- Buon anno! (Happy New Year! in Italian) – in 100+ languages. http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear [click to tweet]
- Anul Nou fericit! (Happy New Year! in Romanian) – in 100+ languages. http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear [click to tweet]
To see and learn how to automatically share AHAmessages from this book, you may check out this video: https://youtu.be/w2ujfInerJo.
Happy New Year! is available via AHAthat. You can see all translations and share one or more of them socially at http://aha.pub/HappyNewYear. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for free within seconds!)
Also, check out http://aha.pub/Phrases for our growing library of phrase books which are absolutely fun to share!
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