Be More Engaged in Work and Life: 5 Ahas from Maryann Baumgarten and Lisa Smith

This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Maryann Baumgarten and Lisa Smith on EngagementAuthors Maryann Baumgarten and Lisa Smith know that we all feel engaged when we care and connect to something larger than ourselves. They realize that even though so many of us see work as a time- and energy-sucking culprit, a few shifts in organizational behavior and direction can turn that perspective on its head. Their AhaBook contains 140 actionable pieces of wisdom that employers and senior managers can start using today to make people engaged to their work and workplaces.AAEAAQAAAAAAAAeHAAAAJDdiN2M0ZGMwLTdmYzAtNDM3Ny05OGRiLWU0MDZhOWE3NTllNw

Share some of the AhaMessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier:

  1. When our minds are overloaded with irrelevant information, we lose track of what matters most. #focus #engage #lead @mabaumgarten [click to tweet]
  2. Reflect: how can you more effectively create focus for yourself and others? #3ngage #lead @mabaumgarten [click to tweet]
  3. Apply focus to what matters most to yourself and others. Positive + positive = win/win. #engage #lead @mabaumgarten [click to tweet]
  4. The engaging life is a life of alignment. #align #engage #live #leadership @mabaumgarten [click to tweet]
  5. While the line of work and life will fade for those who find alignment, it won’t feel like a violation. You create your ideal. @mabaumgarten [click to tweet]

This AhaBook is also available in paperback and Kindle version:

Maryann Baumgarten and Lisa Smith on Engagement is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially atMaryann Baumgarten and Lisa Smith on Engagement. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)

Check out the last set of Ahas | next set of Ahas

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