5 Thought Leadership Ahas from the Women of #ALPFA who #MakeItHappen
This week’s five Ahas are from the book, The Women of ALPFA on Thought Leadership.ALPFA works to empower and develop Latino men and women as leaders of character for the nation.Their vision is to be the premier business organization for expanding opportunities for Latino leadership in every sector of the global economy.
In February, Lori Ruff and I, interviewed some of the notable women of ALPFA via Thought Leader Life. This Aha Amplifier book is comprised of 140 Aha moments delivered during our candid conversations with top Latina leaders representing the Women of ALPFA, a strategic initiative of the Association of Latino Professionals For America.
Share some of the Ahas below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier:
If we want America to maintain strength & econcomy, we need to empower people in all demographics. @loriruff #ALPFA #tll [click to tweet]
- If you are given the chance to deliver on a higher level, then step up & deliver! @Daiss68y #ALPFA #tll[click to tweet]
- Share your world w/ people you bring into your circle. Think about how you make a difference. @_paula_garcia #ALPFA #tll [click to tweet]
- Your path is your own. Only you can determine what’s appropriate for you in each moment. @_migdaliadiaz #ALPFA #tll [click to tweet]
- People see real value in spending some time in the community. @eli3437 #ALPFA #tll [click to tweet]
The Women of ALPFA on Thought Leadershipis available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at The Women of ALPFA on Thought Leadership. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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