5 Positivity Ahas to Help Your Thinking in Planning Next Year
We’re nearing the end of year and just like the previous one; we want the coming year to be more successful than the last. As business people, we take the downtime of the holidays to reflect on who we were last year and who we want to be next year.
I’d like to suggest that the overall theme of this thinking lean toward being positive. Take a look at the 5 Ahas from different Aha Amplifier books containing AhaMessages on positivity, thinking ahead, and motivation on future success.
Share some of the Ahas below, and then click on the link to read and share more content from the author’s entire AhaBook™:
- Get unstuck. Read, watch, listen, and surround yourself with positive things. Positivity will raise your energy and focus. @LynneaHagen #tll [click to tweet]
- Infuse Positivity from the Start: Don’t begin conversations or meetings w/ negative news or quips! Open w/ upbeat energy. @CoffeeCrazyaha #tll [click to tweet]
- Positivity begets positivity. Optimism creates more optimism. If you’re focused on what’s going wrong, snap out of it! http://drtc.me/paw #tll [click to tweet]
- When you sow good seeds that are the best you have for others, you’ll be amazed at the crop of good things that can come back at you. @JoelComm #tll [click to tweet]
- To combat fear of failure, set firm priorities, delegate strategically, and pre-define success. @melissa_lamson1 #WomenAdvance #tll [click to tweet]
All of these AhaBooks are available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 AhaMessages and share one or more of them socially by clicking on the links below the Ahas above. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
Check out the last set of Ahas | next set of Ahas
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