Thought Leader Life with Tatyana Kanzaveli (@glfceo) #036

In this episode of Thought Leader Life, Michael and I talk with #ThoughtLeader Tatyana Kanzaveli. As organizer of TEDx Bay Area and mentor to business startups, Tatyana shares her thoughts about what makes a good event, about the importance of social connections, and the use of analytics to everyday communication. Tatyana thinks #ThoughtLeadership is not single-dimensional, and likens it to a recipe with ingredients such as expertise and innovation that are mixed together and sprinkled with communication. #ThoughtLeaders are not necessarily subject matter experts, but they have original ideas and are not afraid to speak their minds.

In the conversation, Tatyana shares some best practices in organizing events like TEDx. She reveals why she decided to make her TEDx shows even shorter than the usual 18 minutes, noting that limiting the talk to 12 minutes pushes speakers to just nail it and focus on the idea. The best way to organize successful events is to really care for the people who are coming to watch it and make sure you deliver the best experience for them before, during, and after the event. Tatyana says she always tries to find ways to connect people attending the event by setting up LinkedIn groups, sharing as many Twitter handles of all attendees, and using all communication channels to make introductions. She also emphasizes the importance of being connected, not for the sake of collecting followers, but because you want to learn more about people you admire. Communicating on social media is not about numbers, it’s about real people and interacting among those with whom you share similarities.

Tatyana also answers questions about the tools she uses for social media monitoring, her tips about good mentorship, and why “TLC” is important. She shares how, after 20 years in the industry, she remains passionate about doing the things she cares about.

To learn more about thought leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the Thought Leader Life channel at

Here are some “‘aha’ moments” from the episode. See more in the Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life books available in the Aha Amplifier and watch the interview below!

Recipe for #ThoughtLeadership: Expertise + Innovation, sprinkled with Communication. @glfceo

Connecting on social media is not about numbers, it’s about real people. @glfceo

As a mentor, give “TLC,” or tender loving care, to everything you doin the time that’s necessary in order to deliver value. @happyabout

In the race to become popular, you sometimes forget what you really care about. @glfceo

Follow Tatyana on Twitter at @glfceo. Tune into Thought Leader Life every Saturday for more thought-leader goodness!