Servant Leadership Actionable Ideas: 5 Ahas from Mark Deterding
This week’s five Ahas are from the AHAbook™, Mark Deterding on Servant Leadership. Being a servant leader emulates from the heart and takes a great deal of intention in a few key areas of a person’s life. Servant leaders are intentional about building a solid foundation that consists of a clear purpose, vision, and values. Once the foundation is established, they focus on building energy, performance, relationships, and their own character. They recognize that their impact is one of advancing society and the greater good of others.
Mark Deterding on Servant Leadership will be your guide for becoming the servant leader that you want to be. This AHAbook shares the necessary insights you need to become the servant leader that will inspire others to greatness and leave the world in a better place. By harnessing personal experiences alongside Deterding’s key insights, readers will be able to better understand the practices of a servant leader in both their personal and professional lives. It will prepare them for living a life of significance!
Share some of the AHAmessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier:
- Infusing your soul with your purpose, vision & values makes a firm foundation. Sharing them keeps you accountable. @mwdeterding [click to tweet]
- Describe your vision in vivid detail. If your vision is fuzzy to you, it will certainly be foggy to those you lead. @mwdeterding [click to tweet]
- Be a lightening rod for high performance. Be passionate about personal discovery & development. @mwdeterding [click to tweet]
- To be a leader others want to follow, be a person who has the qualities you would want to follow. @mwdeterding [click to tweet]
- There is no entitlement to trust. Trust is earned through consistent moral, ethical proof of character. @mwdeterding [click to tweet]
Check out this video to see what an AHAbook is and how to quickly share its content: https://youtu.be/fFlTVbmDxks
This book is also available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version:http://www.amazon.com/Model-Servant-Leadership-Actionable-Ideas/dp/161699178X/
Mark Deterding on Servant Leadership is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Mark Deterding on Servant Leadership. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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