Key Axioms That Every Business Owner Should Consider: 5 Ahas from @JeffShavitz
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Jeff Shavitz on Small Business AhaMessages™.
Jeff Shavitz is a successful entrepreneur whose passion and purpose for creating “his life” was the driving force behind leaving his lucrative position with Lehman Brothers to enter the world of entrepreneurship. To help you make the leap (and to succeed once you do), Jeff details his personal and professional experiences, observations, challenges, and rewards in operating small businesses.
From successfully growing your business from start-up to enjoying the benefits of being cash-flow positive to ultimately planning your exit strategy, Jeff shares his advice with insight, empathy, and a healthy dose of humility in 140 shareable AhaMessages.
Share some of the AhaMessages below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier™:
- When was the last time you “wasted” some money on a new business marketing project? I call it “investing.” @JeffShavitz #tll [click to tweet]
- Ideas are relatively easy to think of – it’s the execution that’s hard. @JeffShavitz #tll [click to tweet]
- Decisions, decisions, and more decisions – as a business owner, you better be prepared to make them and make them quickly. @JeffShavitz #tll [click to tweet]
- Many people have different aspirations, interests & skill sets. This is good, or everyone would want to be the boss. @JeffShavitz #tll [click to tweet]
- Many business owners need to work “on” their business vs. “in” their business. @JeffShavitz #tll [click to tweet]
Jeff Shavitz on Small Business AhaMessages™ is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Jeff Shavitz on Small Business AhaMessages™. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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