If You Want to Learn, Be Teachable: 5 AHAs from Brett Labit and Friends
This week’s five AHAs are from the AHAbook™ The Importance of Being Teachable and Willing to Change. Please share this URL “aha.pub/BeingTeachable” in your social media status update to let your friends know about it.
Times are changing so quickly, you might have to stop and ask yourself, “How can I keep up in this fast-changing world and thrive?” This AHAbook, The Importance of Being Teachable and Willing to Change, focuses on the shifting from the old paradigm to the new paradigm and what traits individuals need to have in order to succeed.
Everything is constantly evolving, including the way things are done. To unlock your full potential and achieve success, you must be receptive to new ideas, open to learning, and willing to make changes. This AHAbook gives individuals, leaders, business people, entrepreneurs, and companies helpful ideas, tips, and words of wisdom that can be applied to everyday life.
Here are some of the AHAmessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via AHAthat on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or G+:
1. As #ThoughtLeaders, we have to be better at helping people and tracing the teachability of what we’re doing. @BrettLabitsr #TLL [click to tweet]
2. The value that we bring to our clients is to help them understand changes and what these changes mean to them. @ducttape #TLL [click to tweet]
3. Willing to change is a problem across companies of all sizes. This is a skillset we all need to work on. @thomasgayrefer #TLL [click to tweet]
4. Don’t seek for the competitive edge; seek for the creative edge. How? Simply by being teachable. http://aha.pub/DonBoyer #TLL [click to tweet]
5. Anything interesting that happens in a conversation happens because you created it by listening powerfully. #ListenFirst @FlowDaddy13 #TLL [click to tweet]
To see and learn how to automatically share AHAmessages from this book, you may check out this video: https://youtu.be/-HCFvtczgAI. To learn how to automatically share via AHAblaster, please watch: https://youtu.be/viHZGCpc0DY.
The Importance of Being Teachable and Willing to Change is available viaAHAthat. You can see all 140 AHAs and share one or more of them socially athttp://aha.pub/BeingTeachable. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for free within seconds!)
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