Don’t Run a #Kickstarter Without an Infographic of the Prizes
With a title like this, you’re probably thinking that the intent is to make sure you are “marketing” the crowdfunding campaign properly. Infographics help because they capture the visual senses. In this case, I have another reason, a sanity check on the written word.
We’re currently running a Kickstarter campaign which you can view at this urlhttp://aha.pub/kickstarter. We wrote the content, shot the videos, and created the prizes. The write-up for the prizes is very text heavy. They made sense to us as well as those we asked to review the campaign before we went live. Once we went live, however, we had these AHA moments when we realized our prizes weren’t labelled and written up as well as they could. And, of course, once you start a Kickstarter, you can’t change the write-up.
Here’s an example of one of the eleven prizes.
As you can imagine, with 11 prizes there are a lot of words to read.
Now take a look at the infographic.
The infographic above allows us to look at the prizes at a single glance which is much easier to see the prizes and how they relate to each other. Now that the infographic is complete, it would be great to go back to the Kickstarter and rename the prizes and change the wording.
For those that take the time, they can visualize the prizes from reading the written word, but who has time to read all the content we created. I’d say the same to you, just because you took the time to write great content and create great videos, it doesn’t mean that your audience will read it or watch em. Make sure you capture the visual sense as well.
Creating an infographic will not only allow you to relate to those who process the world visually, it will force a sanity check on your writing. Better do that before you go live and it’s too late to make changes.
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