Driving The 2023 Goal Of 250,000 CPoP Course Takers
98% of people lack clarity in who they are and who they serve.
As a corporation, it is vital that there is clarity in who you serve as whole. It is equally important for every division inside of the corporation to have clarity and have everyone be aligned in who they serve.
The introduction and articulation of your corporate CPoP focuses your stakeholders’ energy on making more credible decisions while serving your clients and addressing their expected outcome.
Mitchell Levy and Credibility Nation are on a mission to deliver clarity to as many people as possible. This mission is made easy with the CPoP (Customer Point of Possibilities) course which will help identify and anchor one’s purpose using the proprietary CPoP method.
We offer the CPoP Course for distribution. You can either distribute the course using your own LMS or have us create a village for your audience inside Credibility Nation where they can take the course from there. Click here for more information.