Understanding Millennials and What Bothers Them: 5 AHAs from @TiffanyVuong

This week’s five Ahas are from the AHAbook™, Millennial Pet Peeves.

This AHAbook started when Tiffany Vuong and I were talking about AHAbooks to write. Tiffany came up with a topic on what things bother millennials and she started interviewing friends and people she knew. This AHAbook is a compilation of the responses she got from 20+ respondents.AAEAAQAAAAAAAAeOAAAAJGJjNTE3YTdlLTcxZGItNDBhYS05MzkwLWM4NDM5ZDkxOGNjMg

Millennial Pet Peeves is a humorous, relatable, and relevant book that focuses on what goes on in the minds of Millennials. There are distinguishable differences that often get pointed out between Millennials and other generations. With this AHAbook, readers of all ages can put aside judgment and assumptions and read firsthand accounts from Millennials on what bothers them and what they deal with in their daily lives.

Here some of the AHAmessages™ that Tiffany was able to crowd sourced, and then read and share the entire book via AHAthat:

  1. On social media, there’s a fine line between building your personal brand and coming off as condescending and unauthentic. @JacobWarwick [click to tweet]
  2. Social media allows people to hide behind a computer screen and speak without a filter. @TiffanyVuong [click to tweet]
  3. People don’t see the value in spending quality time together because they’re so interconnected to the online world. -Connie Vuong [click to tweet]
  4. When people do things and make decisions out of others’ expectations rather than through self-motivation. -Sandeep Kaanan [click to tweet]
  5. Nowadays, the truth may not necessarily be an important factor once it hits the Internet. @RoystonJT [click to tweet]

I also asked Tiffany to be a guest on Thought Leader Life to talk about her experience. In Tiffany’s episode, we discussed Tiffany’s experience in writing her first AHAbook. She shared how the process was simple and that one can write about everything and anything. On a personal note, Tiffany shared how creating an AHAbook has transformed her – from an introvert to a confident individual with an expansive network, which she can tap when she graduates from college and enters the proverbial “real world.” You can read and watch the episode here:http://www.thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-117-guest-tiffany-vuong/

Millennial Pet Peeves is available via AHAthat. You can see all 140 AHAs and share one or more of them socially at Millennial Pet Peeves. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for free within seconds.)

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