5 Ahas on Using Content to Deliver Exceptional Customer Experience
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Cultivating Brand Loyalty. This Ahabook™ is a collection of notable AhaMessages™ from #ThoughtLeaderLife interviews for the month with host Mitchell Levy and co-host Scott Abel.
Brand loyalty is when a customer chooses to purchase a product or service with the same organization repeatedly. Brand loyalty is what every organization wants, and there are many key influencing factors. How does an organization deliver exceptional customer experience? Being aware of the customer’s expectations and meeting them is crucial to keeping customers content and loyal to the organization.
The customer is the bloodline and foundation of a business’s success. Understanding how your customers behave and knowing what they want is important. Customers nowadays have a short attention span, which makes creating relationships with them challenging.
Content is the centerpiece of an organization’s relationship with its customers, as it’s a great way of interacting with your customers without selling. Creating and delivering valuable content will attract and retain customers and lead to loyalty. It is also important to note that managing content requires periodic evaluation of its applicability and effectiveness.
At the end of the day, one thing is important: listen to your customers and deliver the content they need.
Share some of the AhaMessages below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier™:
- Content is at the center of a customer’s relationship with the brand. @kpnichols #tll [click to tweet]
- Testing the water with content is the best way to know if you’re reaching people at every touchpoint. @scottabel #tll [click to tweet]
- Your customer journey should be your business decision blueprint. @jeannebliss #tll [click to tweet]
- Content is expected to impact experiences. Do you create content that people remember? @areyoumemorable #tll [click to tweet]
- Use the power of analytics: the new trend toward measuring everything. @Abredenkamp #tll [click to tweet]
Cultivating Brand Loyalty is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Cultivating Brand Loyalty. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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