5 Ahas on Leveraging/Monetizing Your Thought Leadership
This week’s five Ahas are from the AhaBook™, Leveraging Thought Leadership.Thought leadership is initiating relationships with and delivering something of value to your key stakeholders and customers that aligns with your company or brand value. But how do you position your firm as a leader in its field of expertise? The significant word here is “leverage.” This book offers insights and recommendations to thought leaders, gurus, and authors on how to monetize their content through keynote speaking, book publishing, and assessment tool and training service generation. Pooled by sought-after leaders in the industry, this bound set of solutions and action plans serves as a guide in positioning individuals and companies for next level growth that brings success and drives revenue.
Share some of the AhaMessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier:
- Today, transitional #ThoughtLeaders who’ve developed huge companies want to do something else w/ #ThoughtLeadership. @JerroldJenkins #tll[click to tweet]
- The market is changing constantly; the niche you can exploit today will be different tomorrow. @peterhoppenfeld #tll [click to tweet]
- What you’re doing may be edu-tainment, but content and concepts give it lasting value. @StephenShapiro #tll [click to tweet]
- There are so many awesome things you can do with content. What are you doing? @PeterWinick #tll [click to tweet]
- Combine learning with the principles of gamification to drive meaningful behavior change. @LarryMohl #tll [click to tweet]
Check out this video to see what an AhaBook is and how to quickly share its content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPWcbAyGV-s
Leveraging Thought Leadership is available via the Aha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Leveraging Thought Leadership. (Please note that you’ll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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