5 “Ahas” on Awareness Transparency from Carly Alyssa Thorne
This week's five Ahas are from the book Carly Alyssa Thorne on Awareness Connections Transparency. Carly Alyssa Thorne is a speaker, author, consultant, producer, and director on Conscious Business Collaborations, specializing in Multi-Sensory, Multi-Media, and the Mind-Body-Business-Spirit interconnectedness. She has worked with Individuals, families, and Top 500 companies on empowering, educating, and inspiring conscious organization, work ethic, and collaboration within themselves and those they lead.
In this Aha Amplifier book, Carly shared quotes designed to create that We-Collaborational mindset: an engagement with yourself, your team, and your customers. They are specifically designed to Educate, Empower, Inspire, and Entertain.
Share some of Carly's inspiring insights below, and then read and share the entire book via the Aha Amplifier:
Focus on WE #Leadership; there is no I without the WE, it takes two to co-create. @CarlyAThorne #LLN #tll [click to tweet]
- Your authenticity & loyalty creates raving fans & walking ambassadors. @CarlyAThorne #LLN #tll [click to tweet]
- When you are walking, keep your head up & your vision far ahead into the distance. This expands your focus. @CarlyAThorne #tll [click to tweet]
- The more open you are with your team members, the more they will engage & collaborate. @CarlyAThorne #tll [click to tweet]
- Write out your answers, and read them to yourself silently. Then read them out loud, edit & take action. @CarlyAThorne #tll [click to tweet]
Carly Alyssa Thorne on Awareness Connections Transparency is available via theAha Amplifier. You can see all 140 Ahas and share one or more of them socially at Carly Alyssa Thorne on Awareness Connections Transparency. (Please note that you'll need to create a free account to view and share the book.)
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